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Top 10 Best Anti-Bloating Foods That Can Stop You from Being a Balloon!

You had a quick snack bite, however, you feel like you had just eaten a bucket of chicken plus the fries and polished it with Diet (only Diet of course) Coke? Does this sound even a little bit familiar to you? If you aren’t a pregnant women (pregnant women tend to experience this kind of discomfort rather frequently), you need to think about changing your diet a little bit (or a lot, especially if you can relate to that remark about a bucket of chicken and you actually have habit of eating fried things).

The least you need to do, is to add the right kind of food in your diet, which will not only prevent the bloating, but will also bring a lot of positive aspects to how you feel in general.

There is a reason for everything, so let’s see what are the reasons we experienced this kind of very annoying discomfort. It is said that “we are, what we eat”, we can also say “what we eat affect how we feel”.

  • Overeating (I hinted on it in the beginning) – is certainly one of the reasons for feeling bloated. I understand sometimes the meal is so good that we feel the need to finish it all, or we are extremely hungry and start eating everything on a speed of light. Believe me I understand and I I’ve been there. Continue reading you will find out my suggestions on how to deal with “I can’t stop eating, it just too good”.
  • Eating too much fatty food. It takes longer to digest and start creating discomfort in your stomach. We’ve all been through a time when we crave something and it is not healthy and we know it. Of course we end up eating it, because we can’t fight the craving , however, a few things can be done in this situations as well.
  • Eating too fast. Nowadays people have very high pace life’s. We are so busy that even a meal ( the process once so cherished by our ancestors) became fast, meaningless, and more importantly very unhealthy. Here’s the third reason for feeing like we ate an apple without chewing – eating was too fast.

Before we move on to the list of foods, which will help us to fight bloating discomfort, we need to mention a few good habits as a “side dish” to our main point.

Good Habits That Help With Bloating

Fractional eating is a good solution

As it was mentioned, overeating is a situation we’ve all been in and we know how it is hard to fight it. Hard, but not impossible. Fractional eating is a good solution, believe me, I’m talking through experience. Ordered a big meal during lunch break? Eat half of it and ask to put another half in a “to-go” box.

Fight your craving with water.

Came back home super “hangry” and want to eat half of the fridge? Fight it, drink a glass of water, wait 10-15 minutes and then move on to eating, you’ll be surprised on how your appetite is altered.

Pick better choices.

What about these craving we have sometimes ( or in some cases “often times”)? There are always ways to “adjust” a fatty meal. What a burger? Have it without sauce and French fries, order water instead of a huge gallon of soda. Craving chips? Chose the baked ones, they are just as good, but less fatty. Want something sweet to drink? Make homemade ice tea with fresh fruits and honey instead of a regular sugar.

My point is that, if you want to eat something unhealthy, always ask yourself: “how can I make it healthier?”.

Here Are The Top 10 best anti-bloating foods That Can Help You.

1. Cucumber

You know how all beauty blogs and magazines suggest us to put slices of cucumbers, if our eyes are puffy? Hint, hint. Cucumbers have inflammatory elements, so I do suggest to slice it up and eat it or slice it up and put it in your drinking water, if your experience bloating discomfort.

2. Banana

I love and respect bananas not only because they are super healthy, but for being super yummy as well. Bananas are rich in potassium, which prevents water retention by regulating sodium levels in your body, hence, it can reduce bloating which is caused by salt intake. Plus it is high in soluble fiber and it is very good for our GI tract.

3. Kefir

I am Russian so this creamy, yogurt-like smoothy ( which actually originated in Turkey) is bound to be in the list, because for us (Russians) this drink is an irreplaceable solution for quite a few health-related issues, bloating being one of them. Kefir is packed with probiotics, bacteria which maintain the natural balance of organisms in the intestines, hence it makes you feel better literally in no time.

4. Asparagus

This is a superfood when it comes to bloating cure. It is also not the one people buy regularly, and these people should change their habit. Just like kefir it has probiotics, and you know how good those are. And I’m sorry for more details, but it makes you pee a lot, which is very good, since this process flashes down all the toxins.

5. Fennel

Fennel has an element which relaxes GI spasms and helps to relieve bloating. Fennel tea can be a good solution when the bloating is so uncomfortable to the extent that it makes you feel nauseated, and the last thing you want it to eat. Just sip on a fennel tea, and feel relieved with every sip.

6. Ginger

We all heard about how useful ginger is when it comes to treating cold, cramps and nausea. Well good news – it can also help you to fight bloating, because it relaxes muscles and helps digestion. It can be used in whatever way you like: added to your tea, salad dressing or a smoothie. My advice though, just to put some fresh ginger in a hot cup of water , wait until it gets warm and drink it.

7. Chamomile tea

I think everyone should have a chamomile tea in their tea box, because it’s one of those that taste good (okay may be not for everyone), plus have awesome health benefits. The tea relaxes relaxes GI muscles and helps to diffuse the gas that causes your stomach to bloat. I also I use chamomile tea bags to relax my eyes after a day that I spent in front of my computer and then I drink the tea ( nothing is wasted).

8. Mint leafs

This is useful for a modern person, and I will tell you why. You are in a restaurant/bar with your friends and having a good time and laughs, suddenly you start to experience a strong discomfort in your stomach. Timing can’t be worst. You think you should leave? Of course no, just ask for a hot water with a few mint leafs, and may be ask to add some ginger to it, sip on it and continue to enjoy your evening.

9. Parsley

Parsley is being used in cooking for centuries and it doesn’t only add great favor to dishes, but also has health benefits. It helps to increase the loss of water and salt from the body and helps to make you feel light again. Just like chamomile, ginger and mint it can be put into a cup of hot water, and sipped when warm.

10. Cantaloupe

This sweet orange melon is packed with anti-bloating potassium and high in water content. It’s very low in calories too so you can cure your bloating discomfort with this fruit without worrying too much about the calories.

Stop Eating and Breathe

Anyone can be faced with a situation where there’s no food or water, and bloating makes it so uncomfortable to proceed whatever you are doing. There’s a solution here as well: 5 minutes of deep abdominal exercises. Sit up straight and really focus of your breathing, if it’s done correctly, it will help.

Bloating can create the type of discomfort, which makes you want to stop whatever you are doing. So start picking up good habits about the way you eat and what you eat, and use your precious time for useful, positive and productive activities.

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