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How Not to Let Negative Thoughts Trump the Positive Vibes

Have you ever had one of those positive moments in life spoiled by a negative thought? Or maybe your life is constantly being clouded by these negative thoughts and its creating anxiety, stress and low mood.

If so, stick with me. I’m going to teach you a solution. Something that embraces biology and psychology, something you might not have thought of, something that has already helped hundreds of people dispel negative thoughts.

I’m going to teach you the unique equation that you can start using right now to stop these negative thoughts from suppressing your life. Stay with me, it might change your life forever.

It’s annoying to have a wonderful moment ruined by a negative thought.

You know when you’re having a good time and you’re completely in the moment. Not necessarily a life changing moment, but just good positive vibes.

Then that negative thought creeps into your mind and says ‘I’m not going let you have this moment’.

These negative thoughts are something I call ‘Positive Emotion Suppressors’. Why? Because they suppress so many aspects of life, take a look…

Out with friends… ‘I’m not going let you have this moment’.

Spending the day with your child… ‘I’m not going let you have this moment’

Having a good day at work… ‘I’m not going let you have this moment’.

Having a meal with your family… ‘I’m not going let you have this moment’

It takes the moment away. Your heart sinks and you have that rush of adrenalin and you’re suddenly not in the moment anymore. Instead you’re stuck in spiral of negative thoughts.

So, I’m going to teach the fool proof equation to stopping this and it’s probably not what you’re expecting.

This information is so valuable as it is the bridge between you enjoying these moments and breaking free from Positive Emotion Suppressors. When you think about it, that’s what life actually is… Being in the moment. When you’re not in the moment and focusing on negative thoughts, you’re not really living your life. This leaves you open to things like depression, anxiety and stress.

Before everything else, know where your negative thoughts come from.

When I say negative thought, I don’t just mean something negative that pops in your head for a few seconds. I’m talking about an uncontrollable obsessive negative thought that clouds everything and stops you taking in the moment.

This is created by 2 factors. It’s not just about psychology, but biology as well.

Let me explain…

Factor 1: A ‘Negative Hormone Harmony’

This might sound complicated and sciencey. So let’s keep it simple. Imagine you have a bucket in your body. This bucket’s for stress hormones. If this bucket is too full, it starts to effect how well your body and mind function. It effects how well feel-good neurotransmitters work like serotonin (these are chemical messengers responsible for positive mood and emotion), this makes you more likely to obsess over negative thoughts and makes it harder to feel positive emotions.

Factor 2: ‘Negative Automatic Thought Response’

This is when a negative thought pops in your head and your automatic response is to not be able to rationalise it out. This means the thought stays and continues to be a problem, creating a negative cycle.

So there you have it. When your body is biologically set to think negatively and your automatic thoughts are negative, you have a problem. Therefore allowing Positive Emotion Suppressors to take over. It’s harder to feel positive emotions.

But, now you know the issue, you just need to know how to reverse it.

So this is the equation I’ve been talking about…

Positive Lifestyle Triggers + Positive Mindset Triggers = Decreased Negative Thoughts

So how does this equation work?

Well there are 2 parts to it…

Part 1: Create a ‘Positive Hormone Harmony’ with ‘Positive Lifestyle Triggers’

You probably have a big question—What’s a ‘Positive Lifestyle Trigger’?

Good question. Let’s get to it…

This is a small lifestyle change that results in reduced stress hormones and an improved Hormone Harmony. Therefore reducing the chance of you having negative thoughts, before you have them.

Here are 2 you can try…

Spend 10-20 minutes doing ‘Flexible Exercise’ each day.

This is different from traditional exercise, which can actually increase stress hormones. Instead Flexible Exercise is designed in a way that allows the body to easily adapt to the stress of exercise, therefore reducing stress hormones in the body. Try doing 10 minutes of Flexible Exercise as soon as you get up every day. Learn how to perform these flexible exercise workout. [1]

There is such thing called ‘negative food’ that you should avoid eating.

These are foods that trigger high levels of stress hormones in the body. This Lifestyle Trigger is very effective, as it’s very simple. Just cut these foods from your diet and get the benefit. Start by cutting out processed foods and meals with a high glycemic load. Here is more about where these foods are hidden.

These lifestyle triggers help to adjust your Hormone Harmony, so biologically, you’re less likely to have negative thoughts.

Part 2: Creating an ‘Optimal Mindset’ with ‘Positive Mindset Triggers’

Positive Mindset Triggers are to break the pattern of automatically thinking negatively if a negative thought pops in your head.

Here are 2 you can try…

Be mindful and stay away from any negative thoughts.

There are many techniques and approaches to Mindfulness, but they all help you to be in the moment and help to distract from your Negative Thought Cycles.[2]

Give yourself positive self talks to clear your mind.

This helps you rationalise your thoughts. You could start by simply writing down some positive phrases that give you a positive outlook. Then say them to yourself when the negative thoughts come into your head.[3]

Start trying this equation to bring more positive emotions to your life.

So there you have it.

Use Lifestyle Triggers to improve your Hormone Harmony to decrease the chance of negative thoughts happening.

Use Positive Mindset Triggers to improve the way you deal with the negative thought if it does happen.

And that’s how the equation works.

If this has made sense to you, don’t just ignore it, give it a go. You’re probably experiencing some ‘Motivational Energy’, this is how I explain that light bulb moment when something makes sense and you get a burst of motivation. But this motivation doesn’t last long. So what’s important is what you do right now to commit your self.

So have a think. Jot down in your diary how you could fit some Lifestyle Triggers and Positive Mind set Triggers in your daily routine.[4]

It takes time to get rid of negativity, but it’ll worth it.

It’s very important to reduce Positive Emotion Suppressors as it let’s you experience life free from negativity. It’s important for your mental health. It can help relieve or prevent things like depression, anxiety and stress. When you don’t allow any negativity to enter your life, you’ll brighten up and live a healthier life.

Take it one step at a time, and start from the smallest things in life. You can do it!

Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via


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