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You Need Fat! These Are The Food With Good Fat That You Should Eat!

Many people have undergone training of taking in low-fat foods[1] and avoid high-fat foods. Many people have given fat a description as a dietary enemy. It becomes confusing when you find doctors now telling people about consuming healthy fats. The market has many high-fat foods that you need to be taking alongside your snacks and meals regularly.

Healthy fats [2] refer to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that have heart-health benefits and reduce LDL cholesterol that usually clogs in the arteries. These fats help in decreasing blood sugar [3] and insulin thus bringing down risks of type 2 diabetes. Monounsaturated fats are the healthiest as they contribute to reducing risks of getting cardiovascular diseases, have healthy nutrients, and act as an anti-inflammatory. Polyunsaturated fats, on the other hand, are mainly omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that are responsible for cell growth and brain function. Omega-3 is crucial for the health of the heart. Below are the foods that you should take that have healthy fats.


A cup of olives contains fifteen grams of monounsaturated fats. The variety of olives you consume does not matter because the olives come with different beneficial nutrients like phytonutrient and hydroxytyrosol which is linked to prevention of cancer. The phytonutrient also plays a role in reducing the loss of bones. Olives will be your solution in the event you have allergies as they act as antihistamines. However, you need to be keen on the level of sodium found in the olives. Do not consume more than ten small or five fat olives.

Ground Flax seed

A cup of ground flax seed contains 48 grams of unsaturated fat. You only require one to two tablespoons of these fats to get the benefits. Flax seed is an inordinate source of omega-3 fats and provides an excellent avenue for vegetarians to balance their diet. These seeds also contain more than 800 times of lignans than all other plant foods. They have antioxidant and estrogen properties that are helpful in preventing some cancer types. They also contain soluble and insoluble fiber which helps you to feel full for long thus reducing cholesterol and promoting heart health.

Pistachios and almonds

Pistachios, almonds, cashews, and pecans have a lot of unsaturated healthy fats. Pistachios have zeaxanthin and lutein; almonds are rich in vitamin E and carotenoids which are crucial for eye health. You only need to take a quarter-a-cup serving on a daily basis for reaping maximum benefits. Why do you think a nutritionist would advise you to take Pistachios? Many nutritionists like pistachios because you need to shell them thus making you eat slowly and control the size of the portion.


A medium avocado contains twenty-three grams of monounsaturated fat. A medium avocado has forty percent fiber that the body needs. It is naturally cholesterol free, naturally sodium, and the right source of lutein which is an antioxidant that protects vision. You need to remember that avocado is rich in calories and it is advisable to take a quarter a piece at a time. Avocado is taken when ripe.

Olive oil

Olive oil is monounsaturated healthy oil. It is helpful in reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Latest research shows that olives have Seco iridoids and oleic acid components for slowing your body’s aging process. You need to select extra-virgin oil for you to get maximum health benefits because the extraction process is minimal. One tablespoon of olive oil produces 120 calories.


Tofu does not have a lot of fats but is the right source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. A 3-ounce portion of tofu contains about 6 grams of fat and one gram of saturated fat. People consider tofu a healthy food because it is a plant-based protein that provides a quarter of your body’s calcium needs and is low in sodium. You need one tea spoon for your body on daily basis.


Eggs are an easy and inexpensive source of proteins in the market. You may think that egg whites are healthier than whole eggs. The York of eggs has some fat and a composition of many nutrients. One whole egg has 3.5 grams of unsaturated fats and 1.5 grams of saturated fats. Whole eggs have choline, which is paramount for regulating the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the brain. Research says that eating eggs does not raise blood cholesterol and instead improves the health of your heart.

Full-fat Milk

Researchers say that the consumption of full-fat-dairy products over fat-free ones has weight control benefits. It reduces the risks of type 2 diabetes. One glass of whole milk has eight grams of fat. Fat in dairy products is vital for absorbing vitamin D and A because they are soluble in fats. One cup of milk is enough for your consumption daily.

Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan is a hard, full-fat cheese that has a bad rap for having a high saturation of fats. Cheese has more saturated fats as compared to plant foods. However, they have important nutrients like calcium for the bones and the whole body. Why choose cheese? Cheese has more protein than foods like meat and eggs.

Lean grass fed pork and beef

In reality, steak is not a high-fat food as people think. It contains 5 grams of unsaturated fat and 2 grams of saturated fat. Lean meat is the right source for zinc, iron, and protein which are important for active women. Lean cuts of pork are also a vital source of fats when taken in moderation. You need to cook the beef before eating. Processed and cured pork contains preservatives like nitrates and sodium increases the risk of contracting cancer and heart diseases.

Chia seeds

These seeds are small but mighty because they have protein, fiber, omega-3, antioxidants and essential minerals. They are a dense super food with good fat as you can use a spoon full for adding a nutritional punch into your desserts. You use these seeds without cooking.


Soybeans are full of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are great for providing proteins and fiber. They are tasty when boiled and salted. One handful serving is enough for your daily body requirements.


Walnut is the right source of omega-3 fats, alpha linoleic in particular, and an omega-3 that is born in plants. A daily handful of nuts is low in LDL cholesterol as well as improving the functionality of blood vessels. According to research, consumption of these nuts is better than being involved in exercises to reduce belly fat and leads to reducing the risk of blood clotting which causes heart attacks thus enhancing the health of the artery linings.

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via


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