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Feeling Frustrated at Work? Signs That Tell Your Boss Is the Culprit

Imagine you are entering into the room seated with Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington. Where would your attention go? Those people in the room have something in common among them. Thus it feels amazing to be present with them, isn’t it? Following a great leader will make you feel like being on the right track.

However, not everyone is lucky enough to follow a good leader. Some of us may follow the bad ones who only know how to give order without putting effort to help you achieve your career goals. Here are the 10 signs of a bad leader:

1. Their ears always shut down. They seldom listens to what you think and think the most brilliant ideas only come from them. They only wish you to keep quite and follow their orders.

2. They seldom share any valuable knowledge with you as they’re afraid of being replaced by you. They are insecure about their leadership. When any of their team members performs well, they will easily feel threatened.

3 . They take credits of their team members’ work. They seldom recognize the accomplishments of their subordinates in the public. And if their teams have outstanding performance, they will be the first one to stand up and tell how much they contribute to the project and how their leadership makes the difference.

4. Their actions and their words are inconsistent. While they set strict rules for the team, they can be the one entitled to the privilege of following the rules. They are always hard on others but lenient to themselves. And this inconsistency will make the team confused about what standards they should follow.

6. They don’t care much about your growth and progress. They only care about whether you can finish the assigned tasks on time. They only focus on the short-term benefit and don’t realize that your growth can add value to the team in the long term.

7. They fail to create a pleasant working environment. They only want the team to work like robots day and night. They don’t realize the importance of enhancing the bonding between team mates. In the end, everyone in the workplace is indifferent to each other and the environment is not dynamic. The team gradually become demotivated because of this.

8. They lack sympathy. They blame their subordinates when they can’t complete their tasks on time, no matter what reasons they give or what difficulties they encounter in the course. They forget that their team mates are only human whose performance can fluctuate with time.

9. They don’t encourage open communication. The communication between they and their team members are always one-way. They like talking to their team members in the way like a teacher talking to his/her student. When their team members find anything in the workplace dissatisfactory, they will only ask them to fix the problems themselves.

10. They want others to think that they are the smartest one in the team. They always display that they are the know-it-all. They are reluctant to let their team members to point what they don’t know.

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