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15 Awesome Things Google Does for You and Want You to Have a Try

Google continues to come up with new innovations and some very useful products and services that lots of us cannot do without using daily. They have created so much footprint on the entire web that almost all the clicks we make online are controlled by Google. Here is a look at the 15 awesome products and services Google have launched and want us to try.

1. Google Maps

Google map has got to be one of the best things that has happened to us. It has been around for quite a long while but it has become more rampant in our lives now that we have them on our phones, devices and even cars. Uber and Courier services too have google to thank for ease of service and delivery. Formerly, you had to write out the addresses on a paper and go about with it but now all you have to do is turn on google map on your phone, or car and navigate. Uber and Courier services are able to find locations and effectively deliver goods with the help of this amazing product.

2. Google News

Launched in 2002, this is a source of news for lots of people on a daily basis. Google news is not controlled by editors but by an aggregation algorithm and it is a joy to bloggers whose blogs are successfully syndicated on it as it helps to bring in more traffic and audience. If you intend to stay up to date with news from a wide range of topics and from several websites you should start using Google News. Also, if you are a blogger, you should fill out the application to see if you can get approved to have your blog on Google news.

3. Google Play Store

Google Play Store is a great platform for us all and lots of people are profiting from it. Everyone has something to profit from the play store – if you are business owner, a blogger or a developer, this is a great platform to build and promote your app making it easier for your consumers, audience and clients to reach your product and services quicker. Same for users who enjoy the variety of apps available on the play store. You should try it.

4. Google Chat

Google chat was the IM or chat choice of a lot of people before WhatsApp exploded. Recent features like video calling coupled with the fact that it is compatible with most google products makes it appealing. You should try it

5. Google Alerts

A lot of people especially business owners, bloggers, celebrities, publicists and others find this app extremely useful. They depend on it to keep them alert of news and mentions about their brands, themselves or their clients.

6. Blogger

Blogger is one of the biggest blogging platforms in the world; with WordPress as it’s only worthy competitor. I find the blogger platform quite simple and less complicated than other platforms and so does millions of bloggers all over the world who use the platform. You can either host your free blog(s) or power your own personal domain(s), you should try it.

7. Picasa

Google had lots of hopes for this photo sharing site but platforms like Instagram have pretty much put a halt to their dreams for Picasa. I always thought the name was clever, Picaso, picasa, pictures…hmmmm. However, you can still log into your account and post photos.

8. AdSense

This is the golden price for most publishers, YouTube users and bloggers all over the world as it helps them gain revenue from their blogs and websites. If you are a website owner, YouTube publisher or blogger, you can register and apply to have AdSense ads enabled on you blog.

9. AdWords

This is Google’s cash cow, they are able to afford all these products and services from income from AdWords. AdWords is Google’s advertising platform and the money making machine of the company. It allows google to act as the middle men between advertisers and publishers.

10. Google Reader

This is like an RSS reader allowing you to read up on the latest blog posts and information.

11. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the way with which google keeps track of both their self-serving platforms – AdSense and AdWords. It helps everyone including Publishers, advertisers and even google keep accurate track of ads and web page. So, whichever you are, you need this, smart move google!

12. Google Search

Of course! Am sure you have been searching for this, and wondering why it isn’t at the top of the list. Well, Google Search Engine is not at the top because that’s too obvious and predictable and I don’t like that. Lol. This is google’s most popular service, giving users relevant information and results to their search queries. If you are not already using it, you really should.

13. Webmaster Tools

If you are a blogger, website owner, SEO expert or even a business owner, this is a useful tool to help you improve your site, analyse your keywords and ensure that you are visible and relevant on goggle’s search engine.

14. Book Search

This controversial but really interesting feature involves Google’s dream to help you find any book on earth, on their platform. This is google trying to put the literary world on their backs. As an avid reader, I love it and plan to start using it once I figure out how exactly it works.

15. Google Trends

As a blogger, I love using google trends, it helps me stay on top of trends. Google trends allows you to know what everyone is searching or talking about and so you can get your opinion into the discussion too through your blog posts and articles.

From the above, you can see that one way or the other, there are lots of google products we use daily. Although, google controls most of our internet clicks, we can’t really complain because they offer us really awesome products and services.

The post 15 Awesome Things Google Does for You and Want You to Have a Try appeared first on Lifehack.

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