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7 Honest Videogame Titles That'll Have You Nodding Your Head

1. Rocket League


Okay, soccer - aka FOOTBALL for you non-Americans who name sports in a way that makes sense (what we call "football" doesn't really involve your foot, or an actual ball) - is pretty dull. Scoring is rare, the field is always so huge that it takes forever for there to be any forward momentum, and they only do their big championship tournament once every four years?! That's dull as hell - but Rocket League takes the central conceit of soccer and makes it awesome with one simple twist: CARS.

I understand it would be impractical to do this in real life - a mix of demolition derbies and soccer would probably leave a LOT of the drivers gravely-injured or dead - but it makes for a real fun videogame.

2. Mass Effect: Andromeda


For as much time and effort the BioWare team puts into building out the Mass Effect characters and universe and action-based mechanics, the series' popularity always comes down to one thing: which hot alien can I bang? The answer is always "not enough of them", but hopefully this time around I can bang all the Krogans I want.

3. Overwatch


Overwatch is a brilliantly fun game - but it IS pretty heavily inspired by Valve's Team Fortress 2, albeit with a much larger, cartoonier, more diverse cast of characters. This is probably the main reason for the game's huge rise in popularity - there's a character for every kind of playstyle and personality. Are you a grim edgelord? Play Reaper. Are you a light-hearted trickster? Play Tracer. Are you a Russian bodybuilder? Play Zarya. Do you have a really hot butt? Play Widowmaker...or Genji...or Tracer...D.Va....or....okay, this one applies to a lot of characters, but you get the idea.

4. For Honor


Actual history? Pretty boring. For some reason, most history books don't cover the times vikings and samurai and knights all fought against each other at the same time, just because of "wildly different historical periods" and "vast distances geographically" and "because it didn't happen and wouldn't make any sense." But For Honor doesn't give a crap about that - and thank goodness, because fake history is way better than real history.

5. Final Fantasy XV


The long-awaited Final Fantasy XV is a fun departure for the series - focusing on a fun road trip with some boy band-esque bros, who are just driving through the countryside, slaying some monsters, and getting into adventures along the way. It's got a very chill, laid back feel to it that most JRPGs don't really go for. Hopefully Final Fantasy XVI is just you and your bros hanging out in your rumpus room on a Saturday afternoon eating snacks and playing videogames.

6. Resident Evil 7


RE7 is the first RE game in a long time to be....actually scary. And the first one to mostly take place in a "residence" in even longer! RE7 gets the series back to its roots, but with notable improvements taking from the recent spate of survival horror games - stuff like Amnesia - and building those qualities into the Resident Evil fabric and world. And the results are fun, scary, and genuinely perhaps the best game in the series.

7. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


...and if Hayao Mayazaki making a Shadow of Mordor game isn't your bag, then I don't know what to tell you.

Bonus! Okay, but if we're being EVEN MORE HONEST...


Okay, we had to give this one more go, because this is the most honest you can possibly be.

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