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Your Future Self Will Thank You For Starting To Do This For Only 10 Minutes Every Day

“How’s your day?” People ask us about our day all the time. Sometimes, you brushed it off because you know these are just small talks. Often, you had a really bad day and wanted to de-stress. Or maybe, you didn’t even bother to answer. Everyday, we fill our 24 hours up with an extensive to-do list — daily routines, work, sleep, eat, and other miscellaneous, arbitrary things. But have you ever sat down and taken a minute to reflect on your day? If not, here is how and why you should.

When we start to reflect daily, we learn from the little things we experience.

Life has its learning curve. We learn from others, our pasts, our failures, our surroundings, and we adjust our lives and grow from them.

Take 10 minutes before your bedtime, sit at a quiet spot and analyze your day from the moment you wake up. What did you do? Who did you meet? Where did you go? Was there anything special or rare happened? Ask yourself questions to piece the scattered memories of your day back together. We tend to forget what happened after a short period of time, so writing down your experiences is also useful.

After you have gone through your day, start listing the things you feel like you could improve on, and even think of solutions or approaches to avoid the same mistake from happening.

  • Was I too emotional when handling this conflict with this person?
  • Was I slacking off at work?
  • Did I rebuff my parents because I was too tired to talk to anyone?

So you may think it’s time to go to bed, but no, you should also list the things you think you managed well that day. Give yourself a pat on your back and tell yourself “I can do this”.

  • I was on time for work today!
  • I helped an old lady with her groceries!
  • I did everything I planned to do today!

Give yourself a confidence boost before you go to bed, and you will be ready to take on the world after a good night’s sleep.

It’s just 10 minutes a day!

This doesn’t take long, you only need to spend 10 minutes before you go to bed. Separate a private time for yourself, analyze your day, repeat this every night, your outlook and approach to life will certainly transform!

Featured photo credit: Sophie Ollis via

The post Your Future Self Will Thank You For Starting To Do This For Only 10 Minutes Every Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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