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Romance Is In Small Things. What This Guy Did Would Just Melt Your Heart

Most of us dream about the perfect partner: someone who loves, cherishes and understands us completely. Unfortunately there isn’t such a thing as a perfect human being, therefore, perfect partners are in short supply. That doesn’t mean that the right one isn’t out there though. Because it’s not about whether someone understands you completely; it’s about whether or not they want to. Does your partner try to make you happy? Does he try to unerstand every aspect of you? Do you return the favor? Do you smile at each other each day, bring each other coffee without being asked? What little, everyday things enrich your relationship?

The woman in the story below is truly blessed to be in such an obviously warm and loving relationship.

“One night my then boyfriend, now fiance, and I were watching a movie. It was a romantic one – not his preferred genre and he fell asleep midway into the movie. I continued watching. The 2nd half turned out to be quite emotional. Near the end I started crying softly. He woke up to my tears and immediately wrapped his arms around me to sooth me. He asked if it was the movie and I nodded. Since it was already late, we went to bed shortly afterwards. The next morning I woke up, readied myself for the day and headed downstairs. He was eating breakfast in front of the TV – his usual routine before work. As I rounded the corner, I saw he was watching the movie from the night before. I was surprised as he was clearly not that interested then. “Why are you watching this?” I asked. He gave me a sweet, sincere look and said, “I wanted to see what made you cry.” My fiance is not one for grand, sweeping gestures but it’s the every day small things that he does that melts me.”

Romance is indeed in small things. Sure, you can take her out for an expensive dinner, buy her a fancy diamond ring, or even write her name in the sky with a stunt plane. Those things are all awesome, but that’s not what she’ll remember the most about you and love about you. The things we do every day, the little things, are the secret to building a lasting and happy relationship. A warm smile, a kiss, and “I love you” can go a long way in a relationship. Too often, couples neglect each other’s needs as a relationship settles into a more comfortable stage. This leaves one or both partners feeling lonely and unloved. And the good thing is, it’s so easy to avoid! Bring her coffee in the morning so she doesn’t have to get up, rub his shoulders if he feels tense. Show your partner how much you care every day. One of the most common complaints both men and women express in a relationship is that their partner just doesn’t seem to care anymore or that the “magic” is gone. Many view this as an inevitable stage in a relationship when the excitement and novelty just wear off. Maybe they do. But then maybe, the solution is easier than you think.

In a relationship, it’s the little gestures that tend to stick with us the most. Small acts of kindess and love remind us why we’re with who we’re with. So, if you love someone, then show them. Odds are that they’ll want to show you too. Because let’s face it: we’re all a little needy sometimes.

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