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Poor Man Gives Money To Beggars Every Day, One Day People Finally Understand Why

When we buy foods from hawkers, we treat them as servants. But this man treats them as his mom, helping them push the carts.

When we see a stray dog, we might give him a peek, or would take a photo of him. This man, shares half of his food with him.

When we see an elderly neighbor, we silently pass by. This man, silently passes by, after leaving bananas for her.

This man gives half of his money to beggars when he’s poor himself. Why?

He helps all the people around him without asking for return, which in many people’s eyes, is hard to understand. Why?

People think he’s insane, or just stupid. But one day when the little beggar girl returns wearing school uniform and smiling at him, everyone is shocked, in a happy way. And they finally understand why the man does so much for others.

As the video says, what he does receive are emotions, it’s what money can’t buy.

Never underestimate your power. What you do for others can really make a huge change in their lives.

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