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Girls You Should Watch This Video And Understand Why You Should Stop Hating Yourself

“I am ugly.”

So many girls have made this statement to themselves, standing in front of the mirror after being far too conscious of the way they look. So many girls have found fault with themselves – bad skin, hair too straight or not in the color they wanted, a nose too big or small and lips simply not kissable enough. No makeup or clothes is enough for them to stop hating themselves. The human perception of beauty has given rise to a need in everybody to be beautiful.

The start of this video is typical – a girl berating her features in the mirror and basically finding faults with just about everything. She cannot stop hating herself, for the way she looks and then suddenly, the picture in the mirror changes. There’s a little girl there who tells the protagonist, Rachel that she is the Rachel of the past.

The little girl eggs Rachel to point out her many faults – be it her hair, her hairy arms, a scar near her eyes or her ugly feet. Grown-up Rachel is moved and she tells the little girl that she’s not ugly, she’s beautiful. And then little Rachel stumps her by asking, “if you can call me beautiful, why can’t you do the same for yourself?”

The questions remains… Why can’t the protagonist stop hating herself and instead see the beauty that lies within? This inspiring video teaches us a simple thing – if you cannot say hurtful things to yourself when you were little, then you certainly should not be saying them to yourself now. We all need to stop hating ourselves and shaking our self-esteem. We are all beautiful and unique, and that’s all that matters.

I am not ugly. I am beautiful, unique and worth it. Remember that. Always.

Featured photo credit: Youtube via

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