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Choose Canada for Your Next Family Reunion

Families are the pillars of life, we hate them and we love them. It’s undeniable that at certain points in life we have wished for a change of family or even a completely different lifestyle. We all have that uncle who criticizes our every move and that one auntie that bakes the best cookies.

Despite relations or how the family is formed, the one thing we can guarantee is that beneath all of the differences we may have, family constitutes the people we can count on. For this reason, families often make the commitment to reunite at least once a year in a nice or central location for bonding time.

You may have never considered it before, but Canada offers a variety of scenic and interesting locations to create memories. A country rich in different cultures, it can represent diversity within our own families.

So why is Canada perfect for family reunions? Here are 4 reasons:

1. The Diverse of Culture and Food

In any family, food plays a major role. We all have that one traditional curry or that one cake recipe that has been passed down for generations. The difference among individuals in our family defines our experience and our adventures with them. Canada is similar in that sense; its diversity can represent one big happy family.

In the French regions of Quebec you can find authentic French delicacies including unique cheeses as well as mesmerizing French Revolution architecture. The subtle beauty of the scenery can remind you of your own history. On the other hand, if you’re looking to indulge in simplistic and rustic flavors, you can head to British Columbia, where English fry-ups and evening tea are in order. Each part of Canada tends to feed a spoonful of history along with the delicious food, and all of it is great to share with family.

2. Cozy Weather

While we all enjoy the nice weather summer brings, we are often times too active and too busy in the warm weather to focus on the simple things in life. Even during summer, Canada tends to maintain cool and cozy weather. Many Canadians prefer taking time to focus and relax rather than running around trying to take part in various summer activities.

The weather, which varies according to season, creates opportunities for different family activities. For example, during winter you can find yourself enjoying shopping at winter markets and during spring you may find the weather perfect for a visit to Canada’s various tulip gardens.

Whatever the diversion, the pleasant weather in Canada affords opportunities that allow you to catch up on old times as well as create new memories with your family members.

3. Beautiful Nature and Plenty of Activities

Canada, as we all know, is abundant with natural wonders. It’s one of the countries in the world which focuses a huge number of resources on environmental protection and ecological production. You can expect a plethora of outdoor activities as well as resplendent wildlife.

For example, my family is rather athletic. We enjoy a fine hike on our reunion days and love indulging in activities that spike our adrenaline. Therefore planning a reunion in Canada was the perfect opportunity for us. We enjoyed a fine hike up the mountains and then retreating to the sauna after our hike. If we are headed to Canada during ski season, you can definitely spot us with our snowboards and skis racing down the slopes.

If you’re not into such activities and prefer a laid back reunion instead, you can opt for guided tours where you’ll be able to enjoy the wildlife without much effort. At the end of the day, you’ll definitely be captivated by the beauty Canada has to offer. A trip to the famous Niagara Falls would definitely be a memorable event for you and your family. Plus you can also enjoy the fine restaurants and spectacular views that the area resorts have to offer.

In addition, you can also create a couples evening as the children enjoy the amusements around the falls. There are many opportunities to enjoy quality adult time while the children enjoy their own activities.

4. Budget Friendly

For most families, finances play an important role when planning a holiday. It’s definitely important to maintain a strict spending budget, especially during family reunions to avoid any confusion or overspending. Sometimes it’s hard to find countries where a large reunion would be both luxurious and affordable.

Canada fits the bill for both. Although many may claim Canada to be on the more expensive side, it definitely is reasonable compared to other countries if your trip is planned right. Just as Sweden and Denmark, if you’re prepared and manage to find great contacts you’ll find Canada an amazing place to be on a budget.

Personally, I found couch surfing to be a great way to make connections. The couch-surfing community doesn’t only offer housing or hosting opportunities but it also offers a chance to meet the locals and make friends. It’s perfect if you’re there with a large family and looking for a friend to show you around and get the best deals. In return you would probably only need to invite your new friend to your family’s gathering.

Canada is a great place to travel individually as well as with the family, so why not make your next family reunion in Canada and create a memorable, affordable experience?

The post Choose Canada for Your Next Family Reunion appeared first on Lifehack.

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