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6 Surprising Ways To Lose Weight in 2017

While many people look to their New Year’s Resolutions to help them lose weight, these resolutions are often forgotten by the time the glitter is swept off the bar floor. While there are tried and true ways to get healthier, the goal of rapid weight loss is really just a recipe for poor health as we cut corners and restrict calories without boosting our metabolism or building muscle that can sustain healthier frames.

But these weight loss tricks I’m listing below will help you get to a healthier you in a sustainable way so that you can be a calmer, healthier, happier you, and stay that way. Let me know what works for you!

Build up your activity level

What do you do right now? If you, like many Americans, work at a desk, you probably spend a large portion of your day being sedentary. Fitting in any activity will help you begin to build a healthier body and a happier you.

Fitness trackers can be a great way of seeing how much activity you’re getting now, and gradually increasing your goals. This will help you build exercise into your day more gradually to avoid injury. If you just try to add 5000 steps to your day at once, you can get discouraged or hurt yourself!

Limit alcohol and soda

When your energy starts to flag in the early afternoon, what do you do? Many people grab a soda from the vending machine to give themselves a pick-me-up. When you go out with coworkers, a bar is a popular choice to spend some time and unwind.

Both of these choices add substantial calories to your diet, and they’re what nutritionists like to call “empty” calories: they don’t add any nutrition to your body, they’re just calories. And they’re the kind of calories that like to turn directly to fat unless they’re immediately used up.

So if you’re looking for a quick weight loss option, cutting out alcohol and soda are almost guaranteed to drop a few pounds. Doing this will have you looking better, feeling well rested, and less bloated.

Sneak workouts into your work day

When you have a ten-minute break, what do you do? Check Facebook and Twitter, log on to Instagram, and catch up on your email? Instead, consider doing a quick workout at your desk. The Internet is jam-packed with quick 10 minute workouts you can do at your desk.

There are also under-desk items that act like steppers or stationary bikes to help you burn calories on conference calls and during meetings. This can also help you stay mentally fresh by keeping your brain engaged.

Target trouble areas

There are certain areas of our bodies that, once changed, are very difficult to change back. If you have stubborn belly fat or loose skin in various areas, even once you’ve lost weight, repairing your body is quite difficult. Fortunately, it’s not a post-apocalyptic dystopia yet, and we’re definitely not ready to give up.

The good news is that modern science is rapidly developing less invasive ways to repair and resculpt your body for the better. Coolsculpting is just one example, which is rapidly gaining popularity in fitness circles.

Stay away from “low-cal” treats

There are a large number of junk food options that are sold as low-calorie, which may make them sound like they’re good for you. Remember that low-calorie isn’t the same as nutritionally dense. You’re better off replacing your salty and sweet snacks with items like crackers and peanut butter, fruit with dip, or veggies with hummus.

Start by replacing one snack a day. If you try to change your entire diet at once, you can get overwhelmed and frustrated.

Make sure to build muscle

One way that modern diet suggestions fail Americans is that they focus on restricting calories while neglecting to point out that if you don’t build muscle, there is absolutely no way to maintain your metabolism. In some cases, trainers recommend increasing calories while their clients work to lose weight. You need enough energy to do the work that builds muscle so that you can get healthier.

This is why even a single session with a personal trainer can be incredibly useful. Understanding what you, personally, need to do to change your body is beneficial.

Whatever you decide to do to get healthier in 2017, consider the impact. Weigh the pros and cons and proceed carefully. You only get one body in your life, and the one you have deserves to be taken care of.

By using nutrition, exercise, and modern science, you can have a beautiful, healthy, strong body that will carry you through all of your days.

What are you planning to do to get healthier in 2017?

The post 6 Surprising Ways To Lose Weight in 2017 appeared first on Lifehack.

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