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5 Emerging Trends in Startup Culture for 2017

Startups, new businesses based on innovation, have been trending for a while. Whether in the technological sphere or another sector, a number of individuals are opting for startups over a regular job. This trend used to be primarily male-dominant, however this is no longer the case. Many women are also opting to join a startup business over a more traditional job. The benefits include both monetary and other gains that keep startups a popular trend.

Needless to say, the year is surely going to forecast countless startups emerging with aims of achieving bigger and better. So what are the main trends that we will witness in this upcoming year?

1. Employee Oriented

Startups are more concerned about their employees than other corporations. With the limited amount of resources they have, losing manpower is a great loss. Therefore, startups will continue to go above and beyond to create an environment that is employee friendly.

2. Peppy Offices

A lot of focus is given to the interior design of the offices. Gone are the days of white-washed walls and creaky chairs. 2017 will certainly be a time for peppy office spaces that are neatly designed and departmentalised. The focus is all on promoting the brand name and forming a brand image in the market, which allows the target audience to connect easily.

3. Freelancers Being Hired

Whether it is digital marketing, brand building, content writing, or anything else, for that matter, freelancers are found everywhere. The advantage of hiring freelancers is that it leads to cost cutting, which is necessary for any startup.

4. Perks to Drool Over

Financial stability becomes a cause of concern when working in a startup. Even if you are well-paid for your job, it lacks stability because you never know when the company could crumble. This often makes the candidate hesitant to accept the opportunity. However, to overcome this drawback, startups have found a trending solution. Perks like Friday festivities, free food, and musical Saturdays are offered to employees, which creates a different scene than you would normally find in corporate culture.

5. Chat Box

Communicating with customers as fast as possible has become an important need. One of the emerging trends of 2017 is that the chat box will appear on commercial websites. Adding a chat box aids the customer in getting answers immediately and, at the same time, it opens a channel for the company to pitch their best deals to the customer. This convenient method has been seen on a number of websites these days.

In a world that is evolving with the revolution of technology, 2017 is surely going to be an exciting year for startups. But the success of these emerging trends requires some good habits. Have you ever thought the following:

“Procrastination sucks the productivity out of me.”

“I am tired of wasting my time.”

“There is never enough time.”

“I wish I could stop time so that I can get everything done.”

I have heard these phrases many times, and sadly, I have fallen prey to them as well. The predator of procrastination is always lurking around the corner. But with a new year, it’s time to part ways with these negative thoughts by implementing the following productivity habits for 2017:

1. Make a To-do List

Nothing amps up productivity better than preparing a to-do list each morning. It not only aids in keeping your schedule organized, but also helps to make sure that your priorities are straight. Making a to-do list helps you keep focused on the tasks of the day.

2. Set a Sleep Schedule

Waking up early and going to bed on time can certainly give you ample time to make your day productive. When first adapting to a new sleep schedule, you will likely struggle in the morning, but that is just until your sleep cycle is set. Getting to bed on time and getting up early is also a sign of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Limit Distractions

I totally can relate to pointlessly scrolling through Facebook when I should be doing work. Perhaps we even do this subconsciously. However, needless to say, time still gets wasted. Limit your distractions by keeping your phone away while you work or setting aside specific times when you can surf the web.

4. Balance Your Life

Being productive does not mean working the entire day, but rather it means taking care of your personal, social and professional life in a balanced way. Working without breaks will lead to frustration, which will negatively affect your productivity.

5. Set a Routine

Plan a daily or weekly schedule and arrange your activities accordingly. Also, make sure that you set strong priorities so that you focus on the more important matters first.

6. Keep Learning

Learning should never stop. Whether it is learning from your mistakes or it is about taking up a vocational course, you need to make sure that you don’t stop learning. Putting in daily effort to learn something new will pay off in the long run.

Productive habits are not something that magically happen overnight. In fact, you need the willingness to sustain these habits until they become second nature. These productivity habits will save you a lot of time so that you have more time to focus on what’s truly important.

Featured photo credit: All Top Startups via

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