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The Power of Positive Affirmations

This topic has been covered by motivational speakers and has become popular throughout the years. I believe we are currently in a spiritual revolution where increasingly more people are practicing meditation and relaxation. In other words, Eastern medicine is becoming more popular through mainstream media, as we see more of it on television. However, people still don’t know what is meant by the phrase “positive affirmations”. Here’s a quick definition:

An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives.”- Louise Hay

It brings you a new beginning and changes your thought patterns, opening up opportunities you never knew existed before. However, that’s not all, as you’ll learn below.

It Beats Depression

The power of positive thinking has been known to beat depressive thoughts. Depression has many causes, however, thoughts of low self-esteem, not being worthy, or even good enough, definitely plays a role. By saying positive affirmations you can change your thought process.

There was research done at the University of Arizona that determined affirmations can be useful as a supplemental form of treatment for many depressed and/or anxious patients. What’s even more exciting is that for some patients, affirmations were the most influential part of their recovery process.

Some of the best ones used to beat depression are the following—

  • I am strong
  • Life wants the best for me
  • I love myself and who I am
  • I love myself unconditionally

To make the most of these statements, you must repeat them whenever a negative thought enters your mind.

It Enlightens People Around You

Positive affirmations help motivate people around you. Being around positive people will transform you and your energy. Many times we are depressed or negative because we fight our own thought process. Being around people with positive energy can change your thought process quickly.

Keep positive people in your life and try to spend as much time with them because it will transform your overall energy quickly.

It Transforms Businesses

Motivational speakers l,ike Anthony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, have made millions writing about positivity. It’s important to note they have done a great job and have transformed people’s lives. There are stories of people who couldn’t run a successful business and then transformed their company within a short period after changing their mentality. In other words, there is enormous money in positive affirmations and businesses know this.

Online developers are also making enormous money by selling positive affirmation apps for the smartphone. It helps that nearly 75% of the world’s population has a mobile phone capable of downloading applications. It’s an amazing market and things don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

It Strengthens Relationships

Through positive affirmation, it’s easier to transform your relationships with others. The power of positive thinking can flourish new relationships, old ones, and those which have tension between them. Perhaps it’s because positivity changes the way people think, eliminating old habits and building new, more mutually beneficial ones.

Final Thoughts

The power of positive thinking and incorporating positive affirmations in your life can change the way you view situations. It’s amazing how fast this practice is growing and much of it is because of mainstream media. We have motivational shows, as well as talk shows and even TV series that feature meditation. If you have not started to incorporate positive affirmations in your life that’s your choice; however, look into them to see how transforming and powerful they are.

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