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These 5 Items Will Have You Looking Like a Golfer, Even if You're Not


You have finally been invited to participate in the company golfing tournament to help benefit a local charity. For years you have dreamed of being invited to play golf because, for businessmen, being invited to play golf represents status and acceptance. After spending so long trying to prove yourself, you have finally been given the key to open the door. But there’s only one problem, you’ve never played golf (unless you want to count that one time you beat your dad on Wii).

You are now faced with not only becoming a golfing expert in a matter of days but you have to figure out what to wear, what to bring and how to look as much like a golfer as you can.

While you may feel like an absolute loser for not knowing where to begin when it becomes to golf, you are not alone. In fact, only 17% of Americans play golf. The household income for the average golfer is right at $93,000, which may show that perhaps maybe the average American is led to believe they can’t afford to play the sport. Numbers don’t always tell the whole story.

Golfing doesn’t discriminate but before you step out to play your first few rounds, here are just a few items you will need in order to look like a golfer, even when you’re not:

1. Golf Balls

This may seem like a no-brainer to many but when you’re excited about being able to finally play golf among the other guys at the job, it could be easy to forget one of the most important parts of the game: golf balls – and bring plenty. Making sure you choose the right golf ball for your swing is the first step you need for improving accuracy and distance. If you’re a new golfer you probably have no idea where to begin as it relates to identifying the ball that works not only best for you but for your beginner game. Several resources are available that will teach you everything you need to know to make sure you’re ready to tee off the right way.

2. Golf Rangers

If you really want to impress your friends and look like the ultimate golfer then renting a golf ranger would be a great way to start. Renting is suggested over purchasing for a rookie only because you don’t want to make a long-term investment into a gadget you may never use again if your first time playing golf doesn’t go as planned. This global positioning system is the hottest piece of technology in the golfing industry that is being used because of its exact and precise locating system. It is recommended that you become acquainted with this device a couple days before using  it because it requires online compatibility and there’s nothing worse than looking like a golfing failure because you don’t know how to work your equipment. This new and exciting device operates on the principle of measuring the distance from to target to where the device is located.

3. Gloves

There is much discussion about rather or not to wear gloves or not when playing golf. In early days of golfing many golfers chose to wear gloves to protect their hands from the wear and tear of holding a golf club. Golf clubs have improved significantly over the years. However, many industry professionals suggest that wearing gloves help you gain a grip on the club and help improve your swing in gigantic ways.

4. Proper Attire

If you really want to fit in you’ll want to make sure you wear proper attire. Prior to heading out to the golf course, be sure to do  some initial research to make sure you fit into the facility you will be golfing at. Some courses prohibit jeans and others require that you wear shirts with collards, shorts and or slacks. Generally, golf shoes or other approved athletic shoes are required while on the course.

5. An Experienced Friend

While friends are not “items,” if you really want to look like an expert, ask your new golfing buddies if you can bring a friend. Bringing a friend can help you if you have questions about golfing that you don’t want to ask out loud and don’t have time to google. Your experienced friend will not only help guide you through your first golfing experience but will save you from the embarrassment.

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