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Six Ways to Be Successful With Your Holiday SEO


Many companies live or die at the end of the year. They need those holiday sales to ensure profitability in the next year. Search engine optimization is important to generate a buzz about their products or services.

That’s why these tips will help you succeed with holiday SEO. These tips would work with American SEO or Toronto SEO.

1. Plan your content

SEO works best when you have the right content. While many believe that they should stick to their industry, “five tips for home decorating” for example that is not true. You can capitalize on the holiday themes and peak sale days. “Five tips to buy the perfect holiday decorations for your home,” would use your industry and would use holiday keywords. People search for holiday decorations or holiday shopping.

You can jump on the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday bandwagons. Write your content around these themes. Other options include a free shipping day or green gift-giving.

2. Lookup keywords used last year

Find out what hit the mark last year. Google Trends and Google Adwords Research Tool are valuable for the companies that want to have great holiday SEO. “Secret Santa gifts” was a popular term. If you can make your content talk about secret Santa gifts, you are bound to have people show up at your online doorstep.

3. Make landing pages to go with search terms

If you are company that needs holiday sales to survive, you will want to create special landing pages. For example, if you want to capitalize on secret Santa gifts, you have to have a page that will show off your best products for that purpose. If you have Black Friday deals, you will want a landing page with Black Friday deals.

However, if your company is a company with brick and mortar location, you can use the search terms in other ways. You can write content that offers tips to survive Black Friday without getting exhausted or ways to make standing in long lines fun. Online stores should rely on the landing pages.

4. The early bird catches the worm

Although holiday shopping is beginning as early as the day after Halloween, you can get a jump on the competition by having your holiday-themed pages ready to go as early as possible. Even if the products aren’t ready or the programmers have not created the pages, you can have banners for those pages saying coming soon, secret Santa gifts or Black Friday deals. That way you capitalize on the SEO. People will find you even if they don’t have the materials.

5. Optimize categories

Don’t forget the back end of SEO. You have to optimize your categories, descriptions, attributes, page titles, etc. You need to apply the holiday keywords to meta descriptions, title tags and URLs. Pages will hold more SEO value if they also contain paragraph text copy using target terms, such as Black Friday deals or holiday shopping.

6. Don’t forget to blog

After you have created your pages, you need to write regular holiday-themed content for your blog, social media, YouTube channel and other places. You need to use the strong holiday keywords as often as you can throughout the fourth quarter to ensure you get maximum exposure of your products and services, which will lead to maximum sales.

When you take these steps and remember what people are searching this time of year, you are likely to be successful in your SEO. Use the holidays to your advantage and see the money pour into your bank account. You will see Santa put some dollars in your stocking. I hope you enjoyed reading article, Happy reading!

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