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November Is Diabetes Awareness Month: Here Are 6 Natural Diabetes-Preventing Remedies

diabetes prevention

November is American Diabetes Month,  which means you should raise your awareness of the dangers of developing diabetes and the treatment options available. About 86 million people in America are at risk of developing diabetes because of the high-sugar Western diet and fast food popularity. But mostly it’s because almost 70 percent of adults are either overweight or obese, and 90 percent of type 2 diabetes sufferers are either obese or overweight. Doctors have linked being overweight or obese as a huge risk factor for developing diabetes.

If you’re overweight, here are some natural, healthy ways that can help you prevent developing diabetes and slim your waistline.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

At least 35 percent of obesity-specializing doctors prescribe phentermine, which is an effective appetite suppressant, because of its effectiveness in lowering their patients’ body weight. Doctors also prescribe it for diabetes management. But phentermine and other weight control pharmaceuticals can be expensive, and possibly wrought with side effects, like swelling and trouble breathing.

But did you know a $5 bottle of vinegar can give you almost the same appetite suppressing effects for months? Researchers found that taking diluted vinegar before eating suppresses your appetite and boosts your satiety. Participants felt less hungry after taking the vinegar and ate less when their meal was presented to them. But researchers think the reason is because the vinegar solution made the subjects feel nauseous.

Taking diluted vinegar right before a meal also directly protects you from and helps treat diabetes. Diabetic participants who took two teaspoons of vinegar right before eating experienced 20 percent lowered blood sugar levels after their meal compared with the control group. The effect lasts five hours, but is less effective the earlier you take it before eating. But if you eat within five hours of drinking two teaspoons of vinegar diluted in water, you’ll have lowered blood sugar levels.

2. Daily Alpha Lipoic Supplements

WebMD says that alpha-lipoic acid supplements can help treat type 2 diabetes. Evidence shows that alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) helps improve insulin resistance. They can also help heal the side effects caused by diabetes, like nerve damage caused by chronic diabetes and damage to retinas.

As a bonus, taking ALA also alleviates any back pain you might be experiencing. Researchers who gave chronic lower back pain sufferers 600 milligrams of ALA experienced so much pain relief that they stopped taking analgesics.

Why is ALA so holistically healthy? Because it’s one of the wholesome nutrients found in tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and many types of cruciferous vegetables. Not only can eating your greens everyday prevent diabetes, but their fiber keeps you feeling full so you’ll be less likely to overeat. This helps you lose weight. But if you want the full diabetes-preventing effects, you should also take the supplement.

3. Green Coffee Bean Extract

Researchers found that taking green coffee bean extract can help you lose about 6 pounds. Researchers believe this supplement can help curb the obesity epidemic plaguing America.

They also found that it can lower your blood sugar levels if they’re raised too high by your liver. They think this property makes green coffee bean extract a good natural treatment for diabetes.

4. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and prevent diabetes too. It goes by many names since many fad diets are variations on it. Even if you’re not familiar with what intermittent fasting is, you’ve already done it if you’ve ever skipped a meal – because that’s all it is! But when you intermittently fast intentionally you usually eat on a set schedule such that you’re “intermittently fasting.”

If you do the math, skipping a meal everyday means you’re taking in less calories everyday. Logically, you would lose weight if you’re taking in less calories than you’re spending because of the missing meal. In fact, when researchers studied participants who underwent intermittent fasting, they found these participants lost 10 percent of their extra fat. But besides the math, intermittent fasting also directly boosts your metabolism, which is another reason why you’ll weight. Why? Researchers discovered that when you fast, your body goes into survival mode, which is what your body does when you exercise vigorously.

According to nutrition expert Brad Pilon, intermittent fasting also improves your insulin sensitivity, which helps prevent and treat diabetes. For better weight loss results, he advises that you stick to water, black coffee, tea, sparkling water, and maybe diet soda when on your intermittent fasting diet.

5. Red Wine

Here’s a weight loss drink you’ll be more than happy to drink – wine! This party and romantic beverage can cut down how much fat you gain by 40 percent. It also improves your heart the same way that exercising moderately for an hour does. So if you’re about to eat a big dinner, a glass of red wine keeps your weight gain down by almost half. Red wine may also help you lose weight because it promotes your stagnant fats to burn actively without you exercising.

Red wine is also filled with nutrients, like vitamin B and iron, and loaded with antioxidants. These antioxidants help ward off chronic diseases.

If you drink red wine once a day, you help prevent diabetes by cutting how much excess fat your body stores. Doing so also protects your heart and body from serious illnesses. As a bonus, red wine has also been found to slow aging by repairing your DNA.

6. Protein Powder

Protein powders aren’t just for building muscle. Researchers found they can help you lose weight and help prevent and treat diabetes too. They found that taking whey protein lowers your insulin and blood sugar levels (while also obviously boosting your muscle growth).

Choose rice protein powder because it’s been found to lower blood sugar levels and boost fat burning better than casein protein powder. Also, researchers found that vegetable-based protein powders protect your heart, kidneys, and boost your immunity while animal-based protein powders don’t really offer these extra benefits.

This November, boost your diabetes prevention or treatment with these natural, holistically healthy remedies. They not only keep diabetes at bay, but also protect you from other diseases and help you slim down.

Featured photo credit: TesaPhotography via

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