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7 Ways Everything Changed Between 2015 and 2016



I'm not quite sure when Scott Adams lost his damn mind - was he always this way? Was it after his 12,000th comic strip making fun of "corporate synergy"? Was it when it came out that he was pretending to be anonymous commenters in forums who praised Scott Adams as a genius? Oh yeah, ya know, it was probably that.

Still, Scott Adams descent from "online weirdo who posts a suspicious amount of shirtless pics" to "insane politics guy who tweets about how Hillary is probably going to have him murdered" happened pretty quickly, resulting in stuff like this, where he tries to play a complicated game of saying "If there are no terror attacks, that means ISIS loves Hillary" and "If there ARE terror attacks, that's because Obama's lax on security, JUST LIKE HILLARY!"

Just kinda weird how he went from the guy who does a kinda funny comic about the doldrums of office work to sorta daring ISIS into trying to attack the country and saying Hillary would get so drunk that she'd nuke China.



As of last year, Billy Bush was nothing - he was a bland presenter who came up on Access Hollywood and was getting ready for a plum spot on The Today Show, the land of mildly pleasant hosts who offend no one and bore everyone to tears. He had the right level of mild, fake enthusiasm to be the go-to guy when Ryan Seacrest was unavailable. And then the 2005 recording of him and Donald Trump talkin' about pussy-grabbin' came out, and Billy Bush went from forgettable TV host to the guy who may have inadvertently helped bring down Donald Trump.

...which would make him the SECOND most embarrassing Bush of 2016 (sorry Billy, JEB still has you beat).

...also yeah, Billy Bush is cousins with Dubya and Jeb. Weird, right?



Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, aka Jon Stewart's most regrettable friend, aka THE WORST (NON-ABUSIVE) HUSBAND ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY IMAGINE. After repeated sexting scandals that ruined his political career and strained his marriage to wife Huma Abedin, 2015 seemed to be the apex of how bad things could get for Anthony Weiner. HE WAS SO WRONG.

Yet another sexting scandal came out (this time involving sexts sent that included him next to his son) and it was the breaking point in his marraige, with Huma finally separating from Weiner. And then on October 28th, with less than two weeks 'til the presidential election, an investigation into Weiner unearthed a few more emails related to Hillary Clinton and the FBI investigation into her use of e-mail when acting as Secretary of State, basically re-igniting the investigation after FBI Director Comey announced to Congress the new information. It's becoming clear that these emails are pretty non-important (none were sent to or from Hillary, it was only 3 e-mails, and they did not involve her private server), but the fact that Weiner's fuckups brought this back into the public consciousness at this late stage in the election could have SERIOUS repercussions for Clinton.

Carlos Danger has struck again.



When Ben Affleck was first announced as Zack Snyder's choice for Batman in the new DC Cinematic Universe, many people were skeptical - primarily since tons of folks still had Affleck's regrettable career direction of the mid-2000s in mind - the crummy romcoms (Gigli, Jersey Girl), the lacking dramas (Paycheck), and his previous ill-fated comic book movie (Daredevil). But he had been rebuilding himself for years, mostly through his own directorial work like Argo and The Town - and it should have surprised no one that he turned in a pretty great performance as Bruce Wayne/Batman.

If only the movie as a whole had brought the same level of intensity that Affleck brought to Batman. Critics (rightly) savaged the film as overbloated, unfocused, and mostly nonsensical. Luckily, Affleck's Batman was a saving grace (as was Wonder Woman, but with only about 4 minutes of screentime, Gal Gadot's performance wasn't able to move the needle a whole lot). Now, fans are more excited for Affleck's solo Batman film (which he's also directing) than even the big DC team-up film, Justice League. And it's hard to blame them, 'cuz after all...




Many people have done a better and more exhaustive job in tracking the transformation of beloved internet meme Pepe from "cute chill frog cartoon" to "THE SYMBOL OF NEO-NAZIS", so let me just reiterate: WHAT. THE. HELL.



Speaking of memes, 2016 will go down as a dark year for memes. Sure, we had some nice ones, like Arthur's fist and Confused Mr. Krabs, but we also had Nazi Pepe and Harambe - a sad story of a gorilla who was gunned down after a child fell into its enclosure. It's literally just jokes about a dead gorilla, that's it. How did we go from arguing about dress colors to laughing at dead apes?!



Prince. David Bowie. Alan Rickman. These are just a few of the beloved celebrities that are dying at a more and more rapid pace - and with only a few months left in 2016, it's time we take extra measures to protect Tim Curry from this horrible, shitty year.



This election began in earnest WELL over a year ago - hell, at this time last year, people were ALREADY sick of Donald Trump jokes. And now, over a year later, almost nothing has changed - other than we've all had to suffer through a full miserable year of some of the ugliest, most toxic political elections in recent memory.

At least one's thing clear: 2017 will probably be even worse somehow!

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