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6 Interesting Facts About 3D Printers


3D pens are a new technology with limited scope however, new technologies continue to amaze many.

Small business owners, freelancers and creative persons can really benefit from the 3D technology as it allows them to be productive and achieve greater output with a little bit of investment.

The 3D technology converts digital images into a physical object and is revolutionizing the way businesses are using them to their advantage.

Most common users of 3D printing include doctors, dentists, car manufacturers, students, prop makers and many other common and small businesses which can take advantage of this technology and reduce their cost.

Before you make an investment to buy a 3D Printer or want to know more about this technology, here are some interesting facts you must know:

1. 3D Printers require digital images first

3D Printing requires digital imaging first and then the images are converted into the physical objects. So, if you are planning to use 3D Printing for your business make sure you have persons who are creative enough to first design digital images.

Digital images are either created through a 3D Modeling software or through 3D scanners. The prices of 3D scanners and modeling software as some 3D Modeling software such as Blender are freely available.

A typical 3D printing process starts with preparation of digital images which are then printed and subsequently finishing is provided to develop the object of desire.

Designing of digital images require creativity as well as practical skills. Make sure you hire the right persons first before investing into 3D Printing.

2. 3D Printers use different technologies

Though all 3D Printers follow the same core principles of 3D printing technology, however, they can vary in terms of how they use the technology.

3D Printers use additive technology in which physical objects are created using placing layers upon layers.

3D Printers basically differ as to how they place the layer upon each other during the actual printing process.

3. 3D Printing devices will be DIY technology soon

Though this technology has not yet emerged to a full-scale commercial use, however, there are strong predictions that 3D printing technology will be used for consumer use also.

Desktop 3D printers are in making and soon common men would be ready to buy 3D printers at cheaper prices to manufacture their physically designed objects.

4. 3D Printing Material can be found easily

The aim of 3D printing is to print or develop a physical object. The material required to manufacture such objects can vary from plastic to rubber, metals, sandstone and alloys.

Depending upon the use and the type of physical objects to build, you can easily find the right type of material either locally or from international markets.

5. 3D materials have limited strength and endurance

Though 3D printing has enormous potential and can print almost anything. But the final output, due to technology restrictions, has always less endurance as well as strength.

Less endurance and strength also means that the overall quality of output will not be up to the internationally accepted standards.

6. Buy printer per your needs

To invest into 3D printing you need to first define your product. If you are going to produce small objects, you should buy a smaller 3D printer.

If your need is to print larger units, you should buy a 3D printer which fits your need. Your overall investment depends mostly on what your product is.

Above is a simple list of facts you need to understand before you start using 3D technology. It is always important to prepare and know your facts before making a choice to transition towards 3D printing technology.

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