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6 Easy Steps to Build your Dream Website

Web Design San Diego

Building a website and deploying it online is not always easy, especially when one is a complete novice. It is important you get it right because once you get it up, it will be online to the public.

Here are some simple steps you wish you had known to get your project up and running.

Step 1: Put Your Ideas Together

Having a clear idea of what to achieve is necessary for the success of building a website, it is worth to invest your time, and put things together before anything is done. However, most people consider this phase as a waste of time but it is always the most delicate and important aspect when planning on embarking on such a project.

Below are some questions, you could ask yourself before you proceed:

  • Why do I want to create a website?
  • What benefit will this site bring to my business?
  • What budget can I afford?
  • Will I have the time to regularly provide rich content for my site?
  • Do I have the skills to launch alone?
  • Should I outsource the creation of the website?

Step 2: Set a Budget

As an entrepreneur, the creation of a website will require you to set up a business plan, no matter the size of the site. It is better to map out the budget you want to allocate to your website, while you further break it down subsequently.

Here is an outline of how to get your budget listed.

  • Website creation costs (Development)
  • Web hosting Cost (Monthly or Annual costs).
  • Costs of maintenance and update (if you go through a web agency or S.E.O firm).
  • S.E.O costs (if you go through a web agency or S.E.O firm).
  • Costs of promotion of your website.

Step 3: Find and Choose a Domain Name

The domain name is the Internet address that users will type to reach your site; therefore, it is important to get a proper name. Though often difficult for newbies to decide what name to choose, you could use this tips to get a desirable name.

  • Choose a name aligned to your niche.
  • Use Maximum of 3 short words.
  • Choose a name that portrays what you intend using your site for.

Step 4: Building Your Website

If you are a beginner, it is often advised to undergo basic training to better understand the Internet language, and the possibilities offered. Once the training is completed, you will be able to choose the method you would want to use to get your website created.

To get good web designers, you could easily check online local directories where users can call for simple, and agile services that they need on a daily basis. For optimum results, search for developers locally using precise terms like web design San Diego, if you live in the San Diego area.

These web designers offer different site models, and a quote. Prices vary widely depending on the type of sites to create and the individual requirements.

But if you choose to do it yourself, here are some tips you could use.

  • Create a readable and effective website.
  • Use simple graphic.
  • Save the homepage as “index.html”, the server will know which page to open first.
  • Avoid empty pages or under construction.
  • No need to make an introductory page, and animation.
  • Do not overload the pages with colors, patterns, and music.
  • Do not use too large images; this will slow down your site.

STEP 5: Choose a Web Host

Once your sites have been created, it is time for your website to be accessible to all users. Therefore, it is necessary that you place the files of your website pages on a server. The role of a web host is quite simple; it must implement all necessary means, to ensure that your website is available all day long in optimal navigation conditions.

The choice of web hosting company must be based on your criteria’s (budget, memory, and type of site). You can review a comparative list of best web host company online, to make your choice.

Take time to compare different offers. The reliability and the age of the host, the quality of proposed tools and services, pricing, and customer service should be the subject of your attention.

STEP 6: Market Your Site On The Internet

One of the most important tasks after creating the site itself is its inclusion on search engines and online directories. Because there is no point in building a website, if you do not have visitors.

Therefore, you could use social media platforms  to ensure your site reaches your target audience.

These tips are not exhaustive; getting a website created and deployed online is easy if you have the budget, an idea of what you need, and the driving force.

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

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