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Twin Boys Sell A Huge Teddy Bear But No One Stops By, Until Angelina Jolie Appears…


History is full of some incredible tales of persistence, from Robert the Bruce to others who have thrived in the face of adversity and constant setbacks. There is an underlying lesson here, which dictates that we should never give up when pursuing our life goals as our own determination and persistence can ultimately influence the course of our destiny.

The Are Also Everyday Examples that we Can Draw Inspiration from

Aside from historical events, there are everyday reminders of this important lesson. Take the example of twins Allen and Brandon, who one day were being given a lesson in entrepreneurship by their father Alexander. Having outgrown their huge, eight-foot tall teddy Big Bear, they were encouraged to sell it for the handsome sum of $50 (although they probably would have settled for less!)

Having waited outside for more than an hour, they could have been forgiven for becoming sullen or disheartened, as numerous cars passed and ignored them. Nobody seemed to care about their quest, as the world suddenly appeared as a cold and lonely place. Just as all seemed lost, however, a mysterious white Cadillac honed into view, before coming to a standstill beside the young entrepreneurs.


Out of Nowhere, an Angel Appeared

As the luxury car door opened, out stepped a mother with her small child. This was not just anyone woman, however, and as the twins’ parents focused they realised that the mysterious pair were in fact Angelina Jolie and her beloved child Shiloh. Incredibly, the boys didn’t even recognise her as she approached, as they were simply relieved to have found a potential buyer!

Of course, once Alexander explained Jolie’s role in the hit animated film Kung Fu Panda, the buys were wide-eyed with glee. As they nervously explained their proposition and asking price to Angelina, they expected her to haggle, so were stunned when she produced two gleaming $50 dollar notes from her purse and handed one to each child!


A Lesson in Kindness and Determination

While this is a wonderful story and an unexpected act of compassion from a huge, Hollywood star, its meaning goes far beyond this. It reinforces the importance of persistence in the face of disappointment and hardship, as determination alone can make our dreams come true. The truth is that you never know what fate may have in store for you around the corner, but the only way to discover this is to remain true to your goals and pursue them relentlessly!

Featured photo credit: Wakamag via

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