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5 Ways My Daughter Made Me a Better Man

Jamie and Ella

My life was forever changed two years ago. Ever since the miraculous day of your birth, you have inspired me to become a better man. Prior to your birth I was not a man worthy of having such a beautiful little girl in my life. Having a daughter is the greatest source of motivation and the best thing that can happen to a man.

You completely transformed my life in these last two years. I have experienced exponential growth in my development as a man, a father, and a husband. New areas of my mind have opened and I am becoming the person you and your beautiful mother deserve. I am not there yet, but I will be.

One of the deepest philosophical questions we often ask is, “What is the meaning of life?” I know my answer to that question. You are my reason for living, you are the meaning in my life. Here are five ways you have inspired me to become a better man.

1. Stand for What’s Right

“Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone.” – Suzy Kassem

Our life is full of choices and our choices set the foundation for our life. We are all living the result of our past choices. You have inspired me to stand for others and stand for what’s right. A strong and good man will look after the less fortunate. He will be powerful and relentless when protecting others. I want you to see that your father will take a stand if I perceive something to be wrong, even if I stand alone.

2. Do What’s Right

“To know and not to do, is not yet to know.” – Roger J. Hamilton

It is easy to tell someone to do the right thing, however, it is much harder to actually do the right thing. You have inspired me to take this stand and do the right thing. All I have to do is think of you when I am about to do the the wrong thing. The fact that I know you are always watching, I can feel confident that I will try my hardest to do the right thing, even when it is difficult.

3. Be Fearless

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand

You have made me fearless. I no longer have any concern for what other people think of me. We all have a choice as to what level of life we want to live and you have inspired me to evolve to a higher level. Because of you, I have chosen to live at the highest level possible.

It is crazy to think of the danger you put yourself in when you play at a higher level. People will attack you when they realize you have made the leap. They have no idea why they are attacking you, but they still do. It is because of you that I am not bothered by this. The fact that these people attack me is validation of moving to a higher level.

4. Achieve Peak Physical and Mental Performance

“You’ll be her first role model, her first best friend. She’ll be your forever love.” – Vicki Reece

I have always been in good physical shape, but I have gone to unbelievable levels in the last two years. You have inspired me to achieve optimal physical and mental performance. The night you were born, you inspired me to become a ferocious reader. I still remember reading to you that first night in the hospital. That is one of my favorite and most treasured memories.

Since then I have read over 300 books and I am in better physical shape than I have ever been. You were my motivation to complete my first full marathon, and I have achieved new heights both physically and mentally because of you.

5. Love Your Mother

Tomi and Ella

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” – Rudyard Kipling

You are my compass. Other people use their passion as their compass, but you are mine. You are my inspiration to wake up every morning and feel invincible.

However, out of everything you have brought in my life, there is one that stands above them all. This is my love for your mother. I have not always appreciated her, and at times, have taken her for granted. I have neglected our time together. Time is the most important asset we have and I have wasted too much of it on useless people who add no value to our life. Your mother is the most beautiful, loving, and faithful person I know – I love her more because of you.

Although it saddens me to think that one day you will outgrow my lap, I know that you will never outgrow my heart. As you grow from a cute little girl to a beautiful woman, never forget that you are meant for greatness. Always be the inspirational woman you were meant to be and remember that your mother and I will love you forever!

Featured photo credit: Image by Sally Cavanaugh Photography via

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