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4 Reasons Why Canada is the Perfect Backpacker Destination


Some people enjoy a life of security and comfort and there are the other groups of people who live on the brink of adrenaline. They live at the edge of adventure and comfort is a lingo they never understood. Risk takers and extreme opportunity hunters are what we call backpackers. They’re self-dependent and are able to survive despite circumstances. Some might even say they enjoy the drill of challenges and it gives them a sense of accomplishment overcoming hurdles.

Canada, however, is the perfect backpacker destination. It somehow captivates the hearts and the minds of any traveller. With the unlimited resources and fun adventures, no backpacker could turn their heads from Canada.

What are these exquisite reasons? What makes Canada unforgettable?


1. Hitchhikers Galore

When you’re a backpacker, you prefer to hitchhike instead of taking the typical expensive trains or buses. You choose to hitchhike, because to some extent it shows you the culture of the country you’re in and allows you to get to know the people better, on a more personal basis. You enjoy being part of the country instead of being known as the tourist, hence by hitchhiking you get invited to view any country from another perspective.

In Canada, they say “You either drive for 5 minutes or 5 hours.” Their expansive highways and their geographical positions everything in that country far from one another. With lots of nature surrounding it, you would have a jolly good drive anywhere you go. Hence, hailing your hand on the side of the street and getting Canadians to give you a ride to your destination, is a plan that can never go wrong.

Plus, these journeys are made exquisite with the unlimited food ventures on the side of the highway. If you love food and love dipping your fingers in maple syrup or anything covered in maple syrup, then this would be the perfect ride for you.

So what are you waiting for?


2. Perfect for Historians

Over the years as a backpacker, the one thing I’ve learned is that every backpacker has a different agenda. For example, my partner and I are completely different people when it comes to travelling. I prefer to scavenge and hunt for food while my partner prefers to hunt for old architecture and discover the mysteries of history.

For those who love history, you’ll soon discover Canada is a treasure for both the English and the French. Quebec City has been the land of the French. If you’re passing by Quebec and Montreal, be sure to catch a glimpse of the beautiful French architecture. Dated from the 17th and the 18th century, this city has managed to preserve its beauty and be part of the UNESCO World Heritage. On the other hand, the British Columbia regions will bring you back to the English. With teas and cupcakes, you’ll be able to enjoy the fine English poise and simplicity. A visit to the British Columbia is definitely a necessity if you would want to truly encompass Canada and its culture.

However, these would only be a gist of what Canada has to offer. If you’re looking for more, be sure to enjoy a nice cup of tea or beer with the locals there. You will definitely strike gold, as they can introduce you to places which aren’t every tourist’s fancy.


3. The People

Usually, people have a different perspective of countries they’ve never been to, based on their names. For example, when someone mentions Romania, you would presume a land filled with castles and if you say Kenya you would associate it with the Safaris. This same concept applies to our perspective of the people in the country too.

Canada has always held the impressions of being the North Pole of planet Earth, the constant imagination of Rudolf and a magical wonderland is something unavoidable. Unfortunately, that’s nothing but a myth. Canada is a country with several seasons, most of which has the sun shining brightly. The people in Canada, despite the temperature and the weather, are the kindest. You can find them smiling and greeting you almost anywhere you go and it’s rather hard to find someone who’s rude or isn’t willing to help.

People in Canada are known for their diversity and their hospitality If you’re a backpacker, then you might find this a great opportunity to make some new friends and create your own circle. No one has ever regretted having a Canadian as their best friend. Who knows you might even find your soulmate there.


4. All Food Lovers Paradise

After almost 5 years of travelling, the one thing I find important is food. A country that can represent its identity with just their food is a country worth visiting at least once in your lifetime. A country’s cuisine can show their history and how they’ve grown to adapt to the course of history.

Canada can offer you just that. Everywhere you can find amazing delicacies that would fit your everyday needs. Their prized possession “Maple Syrup” is something that you shouldn’t miss. Even if you haven’t much of a sweet tooth, you’ll definitely find this irresistible. In Quebec, you’ll be able to find the best pastries and cheese that could satisfy your wildest fantasies while in the British Columbia colonies you’ll be able to find the famous English breakfast with their delicious blood sausage.

Plus, food in Canada is reasonably priced, so cost should never be the reason for you to avoid these awesome delicacies. Avoid the common mistake everyone does by heading straight into a fast food joint. Instead, do your research and you’ll definitely discover many unique cuisines for the same price as the McDonald’s Menu.


If you enjoy being a backpacker, then make sure you visit Canada.

Its beauty, people, and food will definitely captivate you and provide you with your own, unique adventure. For those who enjoy the nature, fear not, you’ll find tons of trails to hike and climb with unlimited greenery all around you.

The post 4 Reasons Why Canada is the Perfect Backpacker Destination appeared first on Lifehack.

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