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The Power Nap Strategies That Jumpstart Your Brain And Let You Be Productive All Day Long


Does napping seem like a very difficult task for you to observe on a daily basis? OK, let’s say you’ve got so many job and assignments to do at work that you rarely have time to go for a short nap. And yet, you spend more hours surfing the internet all night long rather than spending it by getting some quality sleep in.

Why and when you should nap

Research and findings show that the perfect time to have a fulfilling nap is in between the lunch hours 1 pm to 3 pm. If at the office, napping shouldn’t take you more than 30 to 40 minutes, max, to complete before returning to work feeling refreshed.

Give it a try, and then you can thank me for the serene, innermost peace and re-invigoration that you will start feeling.

One good thing about taking a midday nap is that it helps you reduce stress and lowers the risk of unexpected pandemic diseases like stroke, diabetes, and obesity. The best part of it is – napping will make you think smarter, become more productive, and, most importantly, feel safer. However, sometimes you may not have much control over when you can finally take a nap, and when you do get to nap, you risk waking up drowsy and even more tired than before.

How does napping affect your health?

  • If you’re a workaholic, however, you may never have the opportunity to meet all your goals without compromising on your health. But putting your health second is like saying you’re not interested in living!
  • Ever visited the doctor before and being advised to take a break for the sake of your health and perhaps take better care of your health, nutrition, exercise, and serenity? A lot of front desk support staffs (i.e. receptionists) fall into this category – as they insist on facing more stress on a daily basis due to the nature of their job.
  • Energy flows through the body and veins only when the body is relaxed enough, so taking well-timed periods of relaxation may also help your eyes see clearer and smarter.
  • Despite the busy schedule and commitments, health must come first. This is why a typical Central London Black Cab chauffeur makes sure to maintain 10 hours plus of sleep per night and two short nap breaks in the day to stay alert and refreshed.

You’re right to be confused, I guess. To help you get the real facts, even recent research and findings linked napping to higher mortality. Big corporations, businesses, and colleges across the United States have just begun drastic installation of nap rooms to boost productivity. And, someday, there may even be a napping consensus.

Napping is a very powerful technique that will help you perform and become more productive even without a noon time meal.

Psychologist Dr. Sara Mednick of the University of California, Riverside and author of New York Times health and fitness bestseller “Take a Nap! Change your life”, once emphasized on this. Determining whether or not napping is right for you depends on a few factors. Ask yourself why you are taking the nap.

If you’re spending a big chunk of your day feeling sleepy and out of sorts, it’s probably that your drowsiness may be caused by insomnia, sleep apnea, stress or slumber-impeding health conditions.

Here are 3 strategies that will jumpstart your brain and help you become more productive during the day.

Strategy 1: Do the 30-minute limit formula

Perfectly timed short naps should unambiguously last for around 25-30 minutes says “the sleep doctor” Dr. Michael Breus. With a nap of just 25-30 minutes, your immune system is strengthened, more so, prevents you from falling into a totally deep sleep and waking up only to realize you’re more tired.

Strategy 2: A caffeine nap could do the trick

Dr. Breus suggests trying a short caffeine rest, or as he often calls it, a “Napalatte”, could be just the thing that will completely refresh your work day.

A caffeine nap can leave you feeling additionally invigorated just a short time after waking from your nap. After taking a few sips of espresso, take a 15-minute nap quickly after that. This way, the caffeine will kick in directly after you wake up, leaving you feeling completely revived and regenerated.

Strategy 3: For insomniacs – The key to a deep, good night’s sleep

In case you’re restless or feeling overburdened, then you stand the chance to profit extraordinarily from a brief daytime nap as a supplement to your night rest. However, if you’re battling with any form of sleeping disorder; i.e., you are continually finding it difficult to sleep, then having a good night’s sleep will increase your productivity and health more than trying to sleep during the day. Research findings revealed that for insomniacs, avoiding naps will increase your chances of sleep continuity.

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