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6 Reasons It Sucks to Date When You're a Tall Girl

1. Getting Asked How Tall You are is the ONE Question You ALWAYS Get Asked on Dates


Tall people get asked three questions - "How tall are you," "Do you play basketball," and "Can you reach that off the top shelf for me?" And while a date with a new person brings the excitement of the unknown, the one thing you can bank on is having to recite for the nth time, "5'11 and yes, both my parents are tall."

2. Tall Guys and Short Girls is The. Fucking. Worst.


There's so much injustice in the world - the wage gap, world hunger, political unrest in underdeveloped countries. And, of course, the worst injustice is whenever a woman who's 5' is walking around on the arm of someone who's 6'4. She could have anyone, yet she's swimming in your dating pool.

3. Guys Who Are Proportionately Taller Than You Feel Waaaaay Too Tall


It happens once in a blue moon - finding someone you can wear heels around and still be shorter than him! But moments like this are such a rarity that you don't know how to handle yourself. How do you hug this unicorn of a man? You're used to going down, not up, and can your arms even move like that?

4. Your Friends Measure Your Compatibility with People in Inches, Not Personality


Your friends try to set you up with people based on height alone. If he's a stable Capricorn and you're a firery Aries but if he's 6'4, your friends think it's written in the stars. There's a lot more to compatibility than height. That said, it would probably still be nice to climb his body like a jungle gym!

5. If Homeboy Lies About His Height on Tinder it's a Deal Breaker - Because You're Also Lying About Yours


If a dude says he's 5'11 and shows up and is 5'9, you know it's over before it began because you're 6'1 but said you were 5'11. Online you're the same height. In person you feel like you're back at an awkward middle school dance.

6. Having an Intense Connection With Someone You Meet While Sitting Down Only Leads to Heartbreak


It's that magic moment that comes along so rarely - you meet a stranger and you just get each other. The planets align. Things click. As you think to yourself, "Wow, I can really see a future with this person," your eyes wander over his body and then you also think, "Hmm. His shoulders seem a little small...and his legs aren't as long as mine...In fact, they're not even touching the ground....Is he short???" And your heart will never be whole again.

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