12 Hilarious Tweets That Are Far Too Relatable
So relatable, it hurts.
*A full day of my life plays out, shot in the infomercial style*
-- Adam Rotstein (@madamepotstein) September 1, 2016
VO: "There HAS to be a better way..."
Being single is the best. So much time to do what you want. Think and reflect. Stare into the void and try to remember what touch felt like.
-- Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) September 1, 2016
i should do my homework but that's exactly what the government wants and i cannot let them win
-- no (@tbhjuststop) September 25, 2013
not again
Don't worry if someone doesn't text you back. Most people only check their phones every 5 seconds all day long.
-- Kevin Farzad (@KevinFarzad) January 24, 2014
"How would you describe your life?"
-- TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) September 1, 2016
"Basically when you try to make an omelette but fuck it up and end up with scrambled eggs but it's ok"
*whispers to bed* I've been thinking about being inside you all day
-- mutable joe (@mutablejoe) September 1, 2016
Moms are so thirsty it's inspiring tbh http://pic.twitter.com/U7eY3uP4ZO
-- alana hope levinson (@alanalevinson) August 23, 2016
Everything continues to be the worst, which is comforting in a way
-- donni saphire (@donni) August 26, 2016
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
-- Hippo (@InternetHippo) March 28, 2015
RT if you have left facebook to check facebook
-- Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) September 2, 2016
Sorry I didn't text you back, I was really busy all day thinking up the lie I'm telling you right now
-- Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) August 29, 2016
a fractured government, rampant racism, and ever increasing homelessness. it's almost like no one is paying attention to my facebook likes.
-- shut up, mike (@shutupmikeginn) August 29, 2016
Source: www.collegehumor.com
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